Reading Plus Answers [ Level K ] ― A Complete List [Updated 2024]

If you came looking for Reading Plus answers for Level K in 2024, this is the right place to be.

We work hard to provide you with all the answers related to different study programs or games that otherwise would have been harder to find.

Today, we did our research and came up with a list of answers to Level K found on Reading Plus.

Before we start, it is important that we get an idea of the system and the levels found in it.

Reading Plus, for those who don’t know, is a program that allows people to improve their reading skills.

And because each person differs in their abilities to read and learn at a different pace, the program offers different levels.

These levels allow people from different backgrounds to improve their skills further.

But some of these levels could be challenging which is why people look for answers to the questions found on these levels.

This is why, we believe, you are reading these Reading Plus answers of Level K.

Note that these levels come with different stories.

The challenge here is that there are hundreds of stories on these levels – including Level K – and that number keeps on increasing.

Therefore, it is hard to keep track of the answers to all the stories, especially the new ones.

With that being said, let’s look into the Reading Plus answers of Level K that we could find for you.

Note: As mentioned earlier, there may be more stories than the ones mentioned below.

Reading Plus Answers – Level K [Updated 2024]:

Following are all the answers to some of the stories of Level K found in Reading Plus.

Cycling Capital of the World:

Q. What is the main idea of this selection? A. Making cities more bike-friendly has become increasingly popular…

Q. According to the selection, what are two drawbacks to taking a taxi to travel around the city?
a – Taxis pollute the environment
b – Taxis can get stuck in traffic

Q. Why can this part from the selection be considered ironic? A. The author writes that the best solution to cities’…

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Q. What could be considered surprising that Minneapolis, Minnesota, is the eighteenth most bike-friendly city in the world? A. The city receives a substantial amount of snowfall…

Q. Read this excerpt from the selection. It discusses Copenhageners, but from it you can tell that all… A. Children who ride bikes are most likely to ride bikes as adults.

Q. What was the main reason why Copenhagen’s painted bike lanes were not effective in improving cyclists’ safety? A. People would throw garbage in the bike lanes…

Q. Read these two excerpts. What two things do they tell you about Copenhagenize’s process in determining the world’s most bike-friendly cities?
a – The more bike-friendly improvements a city makes… 
b – The more inventive bike-friendly improvements a city makes…

Q. Despite its high cost, for what main reason is the government of Copenhagen initiating it’s cycling superhighway project? A. It’s estimated to save the city’s health care system…

Q. How does the author support her claim that “environmental and human health are linked”? A. By giving an example of an environmental problem…

Q. Compared to Copenhagen, Portland’s cycling infrastructure is described as… A. Supplement in the vehicle space…

The Trapped:

Q. What is the main idea of this selection? A. Miners trapped underground…

Q. In this opening excerpt, the author creates a mood of… A. Danger and suspense…

Q. Which two hardships did relatives of the trapped miners have to endure initially? 
a – Inadequate shelter… 
b – Constant Questioning…

Q. The author supports his statement that mining is “inherently dangerous” by noting… A. The average number of miners…

Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that indicates a contributing factor for the cave-in at the San-Jose mine. A. The mine, located near the…

Q. Put the following events in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest. 
a – Boreholes are drilled… 
b – A drill penetrates… 
c – Rescue workers pull…
d – A camera is sent…

Q. Which of the following was the most dangerous condition faced by the trapped miners? A. Food supplies inadequate…

Q. Which of the following can you conclude from these two excerpts? A. Survival for all…

Q. What part does the fruit in this image play in this selection? A. It provided an example…

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Q. One decision the miners agreed to while trapped underground involved… A. Sharing of any proceeds…

Q. Why was Maria Segovia… A. She was assertive…

Q. In this excerpt, the author uses… A. Simile…

A Tough Prisoner of War:

Q. Main idea? A. An airman’s unbreakable spirit…

Q. Place these events in Louie’s life in the order in which they occurred… A. 1. Louie and his family… 2. Louie competes… 3. Louie flies… 4. Louie is taken captive…

Q. When stuck in the life raft, it was most important… A. Preserve their health keep their minds and spirits sharp

Q. According to the selection, what was the Bird’s purpose… A. To destroy his feeling of self-worth…

Q. Which of the following attributes helped Louie endure his imprisonment? A. His willpower and self-assurance…

Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that best explains why Louie started boxing. A. Third sentence.

Q. Which of the following sentences supports the author’s description of Louie’s return home after the war as “miraculous”… A. His family and friends had no idea that he was still alive.

Q. Louie earned the nickname “Torrance Tornado” because he… A. Set a race record that remained unbroken for 15 years.

Q. In this excerpt, what does Laura Hillenbrand mean when she calls Louie a “virtuoso of joy”? A. Louie was an expert at brightening her outlook…

Q. What does this quote by Laura Hillenbrand say about life? A. A negative attribute can develop into a positive one over time.

The Man With The Muck-Rake:

Q. What is the main idea of this speech? A.People are who focus….

Q. To Theodore Roosevelt… A. Excusing the…..

Q. Overall, the purpose of Roosevelt’s… A. Average American citizen….

Q. In this speech, Roosevelt attacks… A.Tabloid journalism and corporate…

Q. Which sentence is correct about R… A.They were more interested in…

Q. The time of Roosevelt’s speech… A. Moralistic…

Q. According to Theodore Roosevelt… A. The inability/a cynical…

Q. Which sentence from the selection… A. To assail great evils of our political…

Q. Based on the excerpt, which larger… A. The role and responsibilities…

Q. What did Roosevelt view as a solution… A. Emotional restraint and common sense…

Q. What larger question did Roosevelt… A. The role and responsibilities of…

Q. When it comes to muck-rakers… A. Use their profession for worthy…

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Crisis On The Slopes/ Lost In The Snow:

Q. What is the main idea of this… A. Over confidence and misjudgment…

Q. What was the most important… A. The deduction of his sister…

Q. According to this selection… A. Pups have only the slightest chance…

Q. In this excerpt, the tone… A. Doubtful /pessimistic…

Q. Read the following excerpt… A. The aspen highlands/they had already searched most of the are…

Q. In the last part of the selection… A. About 30 degrees to the left…

Q. Which sentence supports the… A. But for now, I choose to live free…

Q. Which sentence best supports… A. He spent hours researching…

Q. While Morgan was in the helicopter… A. She was always that avalanches…

Q. Put Jake’s dialogue describing… A. we tucked our heads/I yelled for nick/nick pulled me down/crawling on our hands…

Q. According to this selection, snow constantly… A. The evolution of man…

Sam’s Monkey/ Gretchen:

Q. What is the main idea of this… A. Never give up hope because… 

Q. When the surgeon discusses his… A. He uses a direct, but reassuring tone…

Q. Why did Sam’s mom display his… A. To demonstrate he had the ability… 

Q. Why does the author use the… A. To emphasize her theme of… 

Q. Capuchin Monkeys can help their… A. Operating basic equipment like… 

Q. Which sentence best captures… A. Gretchen would cock her head… 

Q. Which sentence provides… A. Gretchen became thrilled with… 

Q. Why does Sam refuse to see any… A. He doesn’t want anyone to feel so… 

Q. What sentence demonstrates that… A. As Sam watched from the sidelines… 

Q. In this excerpt, what does Sam… A. So knows his body will come back… 

These are all the Reading Plus answers of Level K we have in our database.

We add more stories to the Level K of Reading Plus here from time to time.

However, if you do not find any of the stories of Level K other than the ones covered here, we suggest that you make use of these two sources:

  • Reddit
  • YouTube

These two platforms are where a lot of users share and discuss different Reading Plus answers of many levels, including Level K.

All you have to do is to search for the story in Level K that you want answers to.

And if you don’t find any, you can ask other fellow users these questions and they may share their answers with you.